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Power Line Communication


Power line communication (PLC), also called power line carrier, mains communication, power line telecom (PLT), or power line networking (PLN), are terms describing several different systems for using electric power lines to carry radio signals for communication purposes.

ETSI Project PLT (Power Line Telecommunications) standardizes PLC (Powerline Communications) systems.

PLC technology uses the existing public and private mains power wiring for the transmission of telecommunication signals, offering Internet access via electrical networks in the home and at work. The areas of developing data transmission solutions via powerlines include outdoor (local loop) and in-house (home networking) solutions.

The obvious advantage of PLC is that it is everywhere in the developed world. PLC can deliver high speed, low cost Internet access with ‘no new wires’, as well as the capability for in-building Local Area Networks.

PLC Technology currently allows transmission speeds of 2 Mbps and beyond! Extensive field trials by members of EP PLT during the last 2 years, both PLC-access and PLC in-house systems, all over the world showed very encouraging results.


• telecommunications allows new market entrants to provide services along electricity networks;
• the power supply sector increases the demand for specific energy distribution related information systems

Home-automation is another application for PLC in-house systems.

Harmonized standards will be developed to allow presumption of conformity with the relevant EU/EC Directives: COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 6 April 2005 on broadband electronic communications through powerlines 2005/292/EC

EP PLT takes care about technical requirements to avoid interference with users of the radio spectrum.

Beside ETSI internal liaisons with ETSI ERM, ETSI PLT has liaisons with the PLC Forum and CENELEC SC205A to establish a fruitful co-operation with these two groups attended by PLC experts.

Source: ETSI-PLT

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