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G.HNEM: The New ITU-T Standard on Narrowband PLC Technology


Narrowband power line communications (NB-PLC) systems operating in the frequency range 3–500 kHz were developed and used in the past few decades for telecommunications, metering, control, and automation. Recently, OFDM-based NB-PLC solutions known as G3 and PRIME came to the market after a long monopoly of single-carrier technologies, offering higher bit rates, robustness, and flexibility, which are vital for smart grid applications. However, it was realized that an international standard is important to ensure worldwide interoperable products and avoid market fragmentation. In the beginning of 2010, the IEEE Standards Association and ITU-T started standardization of NB-PLC technologies based on OFDM, launching the P1901.2 and G.hnem projects, respectively. This article gives a technical overview of the ITU-T G.hnem standard, which defines a unified NB-PLC OFDM-based technology targeting multiple smart grid applications: smart metering, distributed automation, in-home energy management, generic home automation, car charging, and others, using IPv6 as the main networking protocol. ITU-T Recommendations G.9955 (G.hnem physical layer) and G.9956 (G.hnem data link layer) were consented for approval in February 2011; their final approval is expected in December 2011.

Vladimir Oksman, Jin Zhang- IEEE


Power Networks: PLC (Power Line Carriers) - PLC MODEMS


TACS is one of the leading top consultancies in the field of IoT, PLCs and Smart Grids. TACS Consultants are one of the inventors of PLC MODEMS.

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The heart of our consulting spectrum comprises strategic, organizational, and technology-intensive tasks that arise from the use of new information, communication and energy technologies. 
The major emphasis in our work is found in innovative consulting and implementation solutions which result from the use of modern information, communication and energy technologies.



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