ATM Applications
ATM technologies, standards, and
services are being applied in a wide range of networking
environments, as described briefly below (Fig. 4):

Figure 4: ATM Technologies Standards, and Services
services—Service providers globally are
introducing or already offering ATM services to their business
workgroup and campus networks—Enterprise users are
deploying ATM campus networks based on the ATM LANE standards.
Workgroup ATM is more of a niche market with the wide acceptance
of switched-Ethernet desktop technologies.
enterprise network consolidation—A new class of
product has evolved as an ATM multimedia network-consolidation
vehicle. It is called an ATM enterprise network switch (ENS). A
full-featured ATM ENS offers a broad range of in-building (e.g.,
voice, video, LAN, and ATM) and wide-area interfaces (e.g., leased
line, circuit switched, frame relay, and ATM at narrowband and
broadband speeds) and supports ATM switching, voice networking,
frame-relay SVCs, and integrated multiprotocol routing.
virtual private networks and managed services—Service
providers are building on their ATM networks to offer a broad
range of services. Examples include managed ATM, LAN, voice and
video services (these being provided on a per-application basis,
typically including customer-located equipment and offered on an
end-to-end basis), and full-service virtual private-networking
capabilities (these including integrated multimedia access and
network management).
backbones—Frame-relay service providers are
deploying ATM backbones to meet the rapid growth of their
frame-relay services to use as a networking infrastructure for a
range of data services and to enable frame relay to ATM service
interworking services.
backbones—Internet service providers are likewise
deploying ATM backbones to meet the rapid growth of their
frame-relay services, to use as a networking infrastructure for a
range of data services, and to enable Internet class-of-service
offerings and virtual private intranet services.
broadband networks—ATM is the networking
infrastructure of choice for carriers establishing residential
broadband services, driven by the need for highly scalable
infrastructures for the telephone and private-line networks—Some
carriers have identified opportunities to make more-effective use
of their SONET/SDH fiber infrastructures by building an ATM
infrastructure to carry their telephony and private-line traffic.