Cyber Security:
Application Security -
Information Security - Communication Security - Computer Security
-Telecom Networks Security - TACS - TACS Consulting
- Cyberattacks
are attempts to misuse information, by stealing, destroying or
exposing it and they aim to disrupt or destroy computer systems
and networks
- Cybersecurity
includes information and communication security, operational
technology and the IT platforms required to ensure the safety of
digital systems
- Cyberdefence
includes cybersecurity and threat analyses and strategies to
protect against threats directed at citizens, institutions and
Cyber security
consists of a continuing cycle of structured actions to:
- Identify
(understand state and risks to systems, assets, data, and
- Protect
(implement the appropriate safeguards)
- Detect
(implement ability to identify a cybersecurity event)
- Respond
(implement ability to take action following a cybersecurity
- Recover
(implement resilience and restoration of impaired capabilities)

What is
Network (Cyber) Security?
ETSI - Cyber Public
ETSI - Cyber Security | Cyber Security
Security Groups
What is
Network (Cyber) Security?
TACS is one of the leading consultancies in the field of information, communication
and energy technologies (ICET).
The heart of our consulting spectrum comprises strategic,
organizational, and technology-intensive tasks that arise from the use of new
information, communication and energy technologies. The major emphasis in our work is found in innovative consulting and
implementation solutions which result from the use of modern information,
communication and energy technologies.
- Delivers the insight and vision
on technology for strategic decisions
- Drives
innovations forward as part of our service offerings to customers
- Conceives
integral solutions on the basis of our integrated business and technological
competence in the ICET sector
- Assesses technologies and standards and develops
architectures for fixed or mobile, wired or wireless communications systems
and networks
- Provides
the energy and experience of world-wide leading innovators and experts in their fields for local,
national or large-scale international projects.