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LoRa (Longe Range)

LoRa is a Longe Range modulation technique at the physical layer used for long-range, low-power communications links.

LoRaWAN is a media access protocol (mac) that sits on top of the LoRa physical layer within the framework of LoRAWAN Architecture.



LoRa uses a proprietary spread spectrum modulation that is similar to and a derivative of chirp spread spectrum (CSS) modulation.


A linear frequency modulated upchirp in the time domain


The spread spectrum LoRa modulation is performed by representing each bit of payload information by multiple chirps of information. The rate at which the spread information is sent is referred to as the symbol rate, the ratio between the nominal symbol rate and chirp rate is the spreading factor (SF) and represents the number of symbols sent per bit of information. The result is an M-ary digital modulation, where the M=2^SF possible waveforms at the output of the modulator are chirp modulated signals over the frequency interval f_0-B/2, f_0+B/2 with M different initial frequencies: the instantaneous frequency is linearly increased, and then wrapped to f_0-B/2 when it reaches the maximum frequency f_0+B/2.

LoRa uses license-free sub-gigahertz radio frequency bands.


LoRaWAN architecture



A technical overview of LoRa and LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN Security Whitepaper

LoRa Alliance Resources




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