Diff-Serv is the
product of an IETF working group that has defined a more scalable
way to apply IP QoS. It has particular relevance to service provider
networks. Diff-Serv minimizes signaling and concentrates on
aggregated flows and per hop behaviour (PHB) applied to a
network-wide set of traffic classes. Arriving flows are
classified according to pre-determined rules, which aggregate many
application flows into a limited and manageable set (perhaps 2 to 8)
of class flows.
Traffic entering
the network domain at the edge router is first classified for
consistent treatment at each transit router inside the network.
Treatment will usually be applied by separating traffic into
different queues according to the class of traffic, so that
high-priority packets can be assigned the appropriate priority level
at an output port.
DiffServ approach
separates the classification and queuing functions. Packets carry
self-evident priority marking in the Type-of-Service byte inside
packet headers. (ToS byte is part of the legacy IP architecture.) IP
Precedence (IPP) defines eight priority levels. DiffServ, its
emerging replacement, reclaims the entire ToS byte to define up to a
total of 256 levels. The priority value is interpreted as an index
into a Per-Hop Behavior (PHB) that defines the way a single network
node should treat a packet marked with this value, so that it will
provide consistent multi-hop service. In many cases, PHBs are
implemented using some of the queuing disciplines mentioned earlier.
This method allows for an efficient index classification that is
considered to be highly scalable and best suited for backbone use.
However, translating PHBs into end-to-end QoS is not a trivial task.
Moreover, inter-domain environments may require a concept known as
“bandwidth brokerage,” which is still in the early research stage.

Figure 6 -
End-to-end transport from host S to host D under the DiffServ
DiffServ outlines
an initial architectural philosophy that serves as a framework for
inter-provider agreements and makes it possible to extend QoS beyond
a single network domain. The DiffServ framework is more scalable
than IntServ because it handles flow aggregates and minimizes
signaling, thus avoiding the complexity of per-flow soft states at
each node. Diff-Serv will likely be applied most commonly in
enterprise backbones and in service provider networks.
There will be
domains where IntServ and DiffServ coexist, so there is a need to
interwork them at boundaries. This interworking will require a set
of rules governing the aggregation of individual flows into class
flows suitable for transport through a Diff-Serv domain. Several
draft interworking schemes have been submitted to the IETF.
To provide QoS
support, a network must somehow allow for controlled unfairness in
the use of its resources. Controlling to a granularity as fine as a
flow of data requires advanced signaling protocols. By recognizing
that most of the data flows generated by different applications can
be ultimately classified into a few general categories (i.e.,
traffic classes), the DiffServ architecture aims at providing simple
and scalable service differentiation. It does this by discriminating
and treating the data flows according to their traffic class, thus
providing a logical separation of the traffic in the different
In DiffServ,
scalability and flexibility are achieved by following a hierarchical
model for network resource management:
Interdomain resource management:
service levels, and hence traffic contracts, are agreed at each
boundary point between a customer and a provider for the traffic
entering the provider network.
Intradomain resource management:
The service provider is solely responsible for the
configuration and provisioning of resources within its domain (i.e.,
the network). Furthermore, service policies are also left to the
At their
boundaries, service providers build their offered services with a
combination of traffic classes (to provide controlled unfairness),
traffic conditioning (a function that modifies traffic
characteristics to make it conform to a traffic profile and thus
ensure that traffic contracts are respected), and billing (to
control and balance service demand). Provisioning and partitioning
of both boundary and interior resources are the responsibility of
the service provider and, as such, outside the scope of DiffServ.
For example, DiffServ does not impose either the number of traffic
classes or their characteristics on a service provider.
Although traffic
classes are nominally supported by interior routers, DiffServ does
not impose any requirement on interior resources and
functionalities. For example, traffic conditioning (i.e., metering,
marking, shaping, or dropping) in the interior of a network is left
to the discretion of the service providers.
If each packet
conveyed across a service provider's network simply carries in its
header an identification of the traffic class (called a DS codepoint)
to which it belongs, the network can easily provide a different
level of service to each class. It does this by appropriately
treating the corresponding packets, say, by selecting the
appropriate per-hop behavior (PHB) for each packet. In both IPv4 and
IPv6, the traffic class is denoted by use of the DS header field.
It must be noted
that DiffServ is based on local service agreements at
customer/provider boundaries. Therefore, end-to-end services will be
built by concatenating such local agreements at each domain boundary
along the route to the final destination. The concatenation of local
services to provide meaningful end-to-end services is still an open
research issue.
The net result of
the DiffServ approach is that per-flow state is avoided within the
network, since individual flows are aggregated in classes.
The DiffServ
architecture is an elegant way to provide much needed service
discrimination within a commercial network. Customers willing to pay
more will see their applications receive better service than those
paying less. This scheme exhibits an "auto-funding" property:
"popular" traffic classes generate more revenues, which can be used
to increase their provisioning.
A traffic class
is a predefined aggregate of traffic. Compared with the aggregate of
flows described earlier, traffic classes in DiffServ are accessible
without signaling, which means they are readily available to
applications without any setup delay. Consequently, traffic classes
can provide qualitative or relative services to
applications that cannot express their requirements quantitatively.
This conforms to the original design philosophy of the Internet. An
example of qualitative service is "traffic offered at service level
A will be delivered with low latency," while a relative service
could be "traffic offered at service level A will be delivered with
higher probability than traffic offered at service level B."
Quantitative services can also be provided by DiffServ. A
quantitative service might be "90 percent of in-profile traffic
offered at service level C will be delivered."
Since the
provisioning of traffic classes is left to the provider's
discretion, this provisioning can, and in the near future will, be
performed statically and manually. Hence, existing management tools
and protocols can be used to that end. However, this does not rule
out the possibility of more automatic procedures for provisioning.
The only
functionality actually imposed by DiffServ in interior routers is
packet classification. This classification is simplified from that
in RSVP because it is based on a single IP header field containing
the DS codepoint, rather than multiple fields from different
headers. This has the potential of allowing functions performed on
every packet, such as traffic policing or shaping, to be done at the
boundaries of domains, so forwarding is the main operation performed
within the provider network.
Another advantage
of DiffServ is that the classification of the traffic, and the
subsequent selection of a DS codepoint for the packets, need not be
performed in the end systems. Indeed, any router in the stub network
where the host resides, or the ingress router at the boundary
between the stub and provider networks, can be configured to
classify (on a per-flow basis), mark, and shape the traffic from the
hosts. Such routers are the only points where per-flow
classification may occur, which does not pose any problem because
they are at the edge of the Internet, where flow concentration is
low. The potential noninvolvement of end systems, and the use of
existing and widespread management tools and protocols allows swift
and incremental deployment of the DiffServ architecture.
providing several services with differing qualities within the same
network is a very difficult task. Despite its apparent simplicity,
DiffServ does not make this task any simpler. Instead, in
DiffServ it was decided to keep the operating mode of the network
simple by pushing as much complexity as possible onto network
provisioning and configuration. Network provisioning and
configuration require sophisticated tools and traffic models. So
far, large networks have mainly offered a single type of service
(best-effort service in the Internet, interactive voice in telephone
networks, etc.). The provisioning of networks providing multiple
classes of service at the same time is therefore a rather new area
and quite challenging due to possibly adverse interactions between
different classes of service. The construction of end-to-end
services by concatenating local service agreements is also a
nontrivial issue.
The key to
provisioning is the knowledge of traffic patterns and volumes
traversing each node of the network. This also requires a
good knowledge of network topology and routing. The problem with the
Internet is that provisioning will be performed on a much slower
time scale than the time scales at which traffic dynamics and
network dynamics (e.g., route changes) occur. This problem can be
illustrated with the simplest case of a single service provider
network whose service agreements with customers are static. Although
the amount of traffic entering the domain is known and policed, it
is impossible to guarantee that overloading of resources will be
avoided. This is caused by two factors:
- The entering packets can be bound to any
destination in the Internet, and may thus be routed towards any
border router of the domain (except the one where it entered). In
the worst case, a substantial proportion of the entering packets
might all exit the domain through the same border router
- Route changes can suddenly shift vast
amounts of traffic from one router to another.

Figure 7 - The
trade-off between quality and efficiency.
Therefore, unless
resources are massively over provisioned in both interior and border
routers, traffic and network dynamics can cause momentary violation
of service agreements, especially those relating to quantitative
services. On the other hand, massive over provisioning results in a
very poor statistical multiplexing gain, and is therefore
inefficient and expensive, as illustrated in Figure 7.
To increase
resource usage in the network, service providers can trade
generality and robustness for efficiency. For example, to limit the
amount of expensive resources dedicated to the support of
quantitative services, service providers can limit quantitative
service contracts to apply between any pair of border routers in the
domain. In such a case, the service would apply only to packets
entering the domain at a designated ingress router and leaving the
domain at a designated egress router. This helps solve the first
problem described above at the cost of generality, since only
packets bound for destinations "served" through the egress router
can benefit from the service. To ensure that the egress router is in
the route to any given destination, the interdomain routing entry
for that destination must be statically fixed in the ingress router.
Even for a fixed ingress-egress pair, intradomain routing dynamics
can still occur. This means that the set of internal routers visited
by the packets travelling between the ingress and egress routers can
still suddenly change. However, the "directionality" of the traffic
considered here is such that the number of possible routes is
considerably reduced compared with the general case, and so is the
resulting and necessary over provisioning. A service provider could,
however, reduce to a minimum the over provisioning of quantitative
services offered between pairs of border routers by "pinning" the
intradomain route between those routers. Fixing the egress router
for a given destination and/or pinning internal routes between
border routers nevertheless incurs a loss of robustness. In
multicast, where receivers can join and leave the communication at
any time, the problem of efficient provisioning will be even worse.
Alternatively, a
service provider might wish to use dynamic logical provisioning and
configuration (i.e., sharing of resources between classes) as an
answer to the problems of network and traffic dynamics. However,
depending on the type of service agreement (qualitative, relative,
or quantitative) and the QoS parameters involved in the agreement,
dynamic logical provisioning might require signaling and admission
From the point of
view of a flow, the class bandwidth is not a meaningful parameter.
In fact, bandwidth is a class property shared by all the
flows in the class, and the bandwidth received by an individual flow
depends on the number of competing flows in the class as well as the
fairness of their respective responses to traffic conditions in the
class. Therefore, to receive some quantitative bandwidth guarantees,
a flow must "reserve" its share of bandwidth along the data path,
which involves some form of end-to-end signaling and admission
control (at least among logical entities called bandwidth brokers).
This end-to-end signaling should also track network dynamics (i.e.,
route changes) to enforce the guarantees, which can be very complex.
Furthermore, even qualitative bandwidth agreements require
end-to-end signaling and admission control. This is because even if
one class is guaranteed to have more bandwidth than another, the
number and behavior of flows in the latter class may result in
smaller shares of bandwidth for these flows than for the flows in
the other class. Hence, in this case, end-to-end signaling would
also be required to ensure that in every node along the path, the
bandwidth received by a flow in a high bandwidth class is greater
than the bandwidth received by a flow in a smaller bandwidth class.
On the other
hand, delay and error rates are class properties that apply
to every flow of a class. This is because in every router visited,
all the packets sent in a given class share the queue devoted to
that class. Consequently, as long as each router manages its queues
to maintain a relative relationship between the delay and/or error
rate of different classes, relative service agreements can be
guaranteed without any signaling. However, if quantitative delay or
error rate bounds are required, end-to-end signaling and admission
control are also required.
signaling and admission control would increase the complexity of the
DiffServ architecture. The idea of dynamically negotiable service
agreements has also been suggested as a way of improving resource
usage in the network. Such dynamic service-level agreements would
require complex signaling, since the changes might affect the
agreements a provider has with several neighboring networks. The
time scale on which such dynamic provisioning could occur would be
limited by scalability considerations, which in turn could impede
its usefulness.
It is therefore
believed that in its simplest and most general form, DiffServ can
efficiently provide pure relative service agreements on delay and
error rates among classes. However, unless complex signaling and
admission control are introduced in the DiffServ architecture, or
generality and robustness are sacrificed to some extent, guarantees
on bandwidth as well as quantitative bounds on delay and error rates
cannot be provided. It is should kept in mind that signaling could
only be used by applications which can at least give a quantitative
estimate of their requirements, and reside on hosts that have been
modified to support signaling, thus limiting the immediate usability
of DiffServ.
It should be
noted that from a complexity point of view, a DiffServ scenario with
dynamic provisioning and admission control is very close to an
IntServ scenario with flow aggregation. The difference is that
precise delay and error rate bounds might not be computed with
DiffServ, since the delays and error rates introduced by each router
in the domain may not be available to the bandwidth broker.
although DiffServ will undoubtedly improve support for a number of
applications and is urgently needed in the Internet, it does not
represent the ultimate solution for QoS support for all types of
applications. The suitability of DiffServ for a given application
could also depend on the context in which that application is being
used. If we take the example of Internet telephony, we see that
DiffServ is suitable for providing a cheap solution for internal
calls between remote sites of a company by emulating leased lines
between these sites. However, DiffServ may prove unsuitable for the
support of telephony over the Internet for the general public,
because people do not usually restrict their calls to only a few

Figure 8 -
Top-down provisioning of a differentiated services network
The current
direction of the diffserv working group calls for the provisioning
and configuration of the diffserv network to be done in a
top-down manner, as illustrated in Figure 8. A final note is
that Diff-Serv lays a valuable foundation for IP QoS, but it cannot
provide an end-to-end QoS architecture by itself. Diff-Serv is a
class-based framework, and an additional set of requirements must be
addressed to achieve a real implementation with hard guarantees,
- A set of DS field code points in lieu of
- Quantitative descriptions of class
performance attributes.
- A mechanism for efficiently aggregating many
sources of premium class traffic that can converge at transit
- A solution to the single-ended service level
agreement (SLA) problem.
- An interworking solution for mapping IP CoS
to ATM QoS.
- Management tools to facilitate deployment
and operation.