Satellite Communications: GEOS MEOS LEOS
Systems - TACS

Satellite Communications in
the New Space Era: A Survey and Future Challenges - IEEE
communications (SatComs) have recently entered a period of renewed
interest motivated by technological advances and nurtured through
private investment and ventures. The present survey aims at
capturing the state of the art in SatComs, while highlighting the
most promising open research topics. Firstly, the main innovation
drivers are motivated, such as new constellation types, on-board
processing capabilities, non-terrestrial networks and space-based
data collection/processing. Secondly, the most promising
applications are described, i.e., 5G integration, space
communications, Earth observation, aeronautical and maritime
tracking and communication. Subsequently, an in-depth literature
review is provided across five axes: i) system aspects, ii) air
interface, iii) medium access, iv) networking, v) testbeds &
prototyping. Finally, a number of future challenges and the
respective open research topics are described.
Since their
inception, Satellite Communications (SatComs) have found a plethora
of applications, including media broadcasting, backhauling, news
gathering etc. Nowadays, following the evolution of Internet-based
applications, SatComs are going through a transformation phase
refocusing the system design on data services, namely broadband
SatComs. The main motivation is a) the rapid adoption of media
streaming instead of linear media broadcasting and b) the urgent
need to extend broadband coverage to underserved areas (e.g.,
developing countries, aero/maritime, rural). Furthermore, a major
milestone of the 5th generation of communication systems (5G) is the
integration and convergence of diverse wired and wireless
technologies. In this context, SatComs pave the way for seamless
integration targeting specific use cases which can take advantage of
their unique capabilities. In parallel, private ventures have led
the development of a multitude of manufacturing and launching
options, previously only reserved for governments and a handful of
large international corporations. This initiative named New Space
has spawned a large number of innovative broadband and earth
observation missions all of which require advances in SatCom
Read the full survey at
Satellite Communications in the New Space Era: A Survey and Future

About TACS
Consulting Delivers The Insight and Vision on Information
Communication and Energy Technologies for Strategic Decisions.
TACS is Pioneer and Innovator of many Communication Signal
Processors, Optical Modems, Multi-User Radio Modems, 1G Modems,
2G Modems, 3G Modems, 4G Modems, 5G Modems, 6G Modems, Satellite
Modems, PSTN Modems, Cable Modems, PLC Modems, IoT Modems and
TACS consultants are the first inventors of optimum single-user
or optimum multi-user fixed or mobile packet radio structures in
the world.
TACS is a leading top consultancy in the field of Information,
Communication and Energy Technologies (ICET). The heart of our
Consulting spectrum comprises strategic, organizational, and
technology-intensive tasks that arise from the use of new
information and telecommunications technologies. TACS Consulting
offers Strategic Planning, Information, Communications and
Energy Technology Assessment, Systems Engineering, Planning, and
Resource Optimization.
TACS Consulting
TACS Wireless
TACS Energy
TACS is a leading top consultancy in the field of information, communication
and energy technologies (ICET).
The heart of our consulting spectrum comprises strategic,
organizational, and technology-intensive tasks that arise from the use of new
information, communication and energy technologies. The major emphasis in our work is found in innovative consulting and
implementation solutions which result from the use of modern information,
communication and energy technologies.
- Delivers the insight and vision
on technology for strategic decisions
- Drives
innovations forward as part of our service offerings to customers
- Conceives
integral solutions on the basis of our integrated business and technological
competence in the ICET sector
- Assesses technologies and standards and develops
architectures for fixed or mobile, wired or wireless communications systems
and networks
- Provides
the energy and experience of world-wide leading innovators and experts in their fields for local,
national or large-scale international projects.