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OC (Optical Communications): Optical Modulation: Historical Review on the Progress of VCSEL Based Multiple Data-Format Transmission


The optical fiber transmission carried by the various laser diodes such as the Fabry-Perot laser diode (FPLD), the distributed feedback laser diode (DFBLD), and the vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) starts to study.

Not only the long-reached (the long-haul backbone and the metropolitan area networks) but also short-reached (the intra/inter-data center networks and area link) optical links can be demonstrated via the combination of the LD and optical fiber.

The demand for broadband voice and high-quality video data becomes more important in recent years. The internet-related industry develops the related high-speed transmission including the cloud storage network, intra/inter-data center networks, and the fiber-to-the-home link to integrate the wired and wireless network. From the abovementioned description, the high data rate in the cloud storage network or intra/inter-data center networks becomes a key issue in the future.

The optical link based on the combination of the multimode (MM) VCSEL and multimode fiber (MMF) can be regarded as one of the solutions for data-center applications because the VCSEL exhibits a low-threshold current, high power conversion efficiency, and low power consumption. Therefore, the related communication standards for the VCSEL-MMF link at or beyond 400 Gbit/s start to be build up. In 2017, IEEE802.3cm standard announced the 400 Gbit/s transmissions over 16 850-nm VCSEL-MMF lanes in 400GBASE-SR16 specification. In 2020, the data rate should be increased to 50 Gbit/s per channel for the 400GBASE-SR8 specification in IEEE 802.3 cm. In the 400GBASE-SR4.2 specification, the 850-nm and 910-nm VCSELs are utilized to improve the data rate to 100 Gbit/s per channel. In addition to IEEE 802.3 Working Group, the Shortwave Wavelength Division Multiplexed Multi-Source Agreement (SWDM MSA) group also developed the 40G SWDM4 and 100G SWDM4 standards to demonstrate the VCSEL-based transmission over different-type MMFs. According to the 2018 Ethernet Roadmap from Ethernet Alliance, the Ethernet speed can be achieved to 800 Gbit/s or 1.6 Tbit/s in 2022. In recent years, Finisar and VI-Systems companies further demonstrate the 100-Gbit/s SWDM4 optical transceiver over 100 m. Therefore, the high-speed VCSEL becomes the most important light source of the short-reached data-center networks.


A. Encoding the VCSEL With the NRZ-OOK Format for Data-Center Applications

B. Encoding the VCSEL With the PAM-4 Data Format for Upgrading the Data Centers

C. Encoding the VCSEL With the QAM-OFDM Data Format for Wireless and Mobile Communications


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TACS is a leading top consultancy in the field of Optical Communications (OC).

TACS is Pioneer and Innovator of many Communication Signal Processors, Optical Modems, Radio Modems, 5G Modems, 6G Modems, Satellite Modems, PSTN Modems, Cable Modems, PLC Modems, and more..



  • Delivers the insight and vision on technology for strategic decisions on OC.
  • Assesses technologies and standards and develops architectures for OC.
  • Provides the energy and experience of world-wide leading innovators and experts in OC.

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Last modified: February 18, 2025