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How to Create Technical Business Case


A business case for technology is different than any other case. It requires significantly more research and planning and should be based on a detailed study of the benefits of the proposed implementation. You need to identify all possible scenarios and quantify them objectively.

A business case can be used to justify your need for technology, whether it’s a new product or service, a software upgrade or the purchase of new hardware. A successful business case will convince stakeholders that implementing technology will improve operations and is worth the cost. You should provide enough detail so that all stakeholders are comfortable with the proposed implementation.

Technology is a critical part of most businesses today. But it's not enough to get it and start using it; you need to know that the technology will make your business stronger, more efficient or more profitable. You might think that making a case for a new piece of technology sounds like a no-brainer, but it can be tricky. There are many things to consider when making a business case for new tech. If your company is involved in high-growth industries and operating with high speeds then you will want to ensure that your high-tech investments can keep up with the demands of your industry. If you're in a highly regulated industry, then it may be worth investing in technologies that reduce costs and errors, but only if those cost savings balance out the initial investment. So, how do you make a successful business case for technology?

The following are some simple tips for creating a successful technical business case that doesn't get ignored by your executives. 

1. Why are we doing this? What are we trying to achieve? What are the risks involved? As you begin the creation of a business case, understanding the problem that needs to be solved is crucial. Many business cases are built around solving innovation issues or preventing future pitfalls. It’s important for everyone involved in the project to know what challenges you are trying to solve. Once you have a clear understanding of that problem:

Who is our customer/audience? Determine who will benefit from this solution and how many people will benefit, whether more than one person will be able to use the product or service.

Organize all that information into a detailed format that is easy for others to read and buy into your idea.

2. The next step in creating a business case is to determine what resources are needed for your project. This includes both financial and human resources, such as employees and consultants. You should also determine how much time it will take to complete your project, as well as how much money it will cost to implement the changes you are proposing. 

3. Once you have identified what resources are needed for your project, you should evaluate how much money these resources will cost over time. This includes both direct costs (such as salaries) as well as indirect costs (such as office supplies). It is important that you consider both short-term and long-term costs when determining how much money will be spent. 

4. Where do we go from here? The final step in creating a business case is to assess whether or not it makes sense financially for your company to invest in the project or initiative. You can do this by comparing the costs associated with implementing this change with the expected benefits associated with making those changes - ACG Research .


ACG Research: ICT research and consulting firm focused on innovations transforming global industries and markets (acgcc.com)

BAE - ‍Economic Network Simulation Platform for Networks & Virtual Systems (acgbae.com)



About TACS

TACS Consulting Delivers The Insight and Vision on Information Communication and Energy Technologies for Strategic Decisions.

TACS is Pioneer and Innovator of many Communication Signal Processors, Optical Modems, Optimum or Robust Multi-User or Single-User MIMO Packet Radio Modems, 1G Modems, 2G Modems, 3G Modems, 4G Modems, 5G Modems, 6G Modems, Satellite Modems, PSTN Modems, Cable Modems, PLC Modems, IoT Modems and more..

TACS consultants conducted fundamental scientific research in the field of communications and are the pioneer and first inventors of PLC MODEMS, Optimum or Robust Multi-User or Single-User MIMO fixed or mobile packet radio structures in the world.

TACS is a leading top consultancy in the field of Information, Communication and Energy Technologies (ICET). The heart of our Consulting spectrum comprises strategic, organizational, and technology-intensive tasks that arise from the use of new information and telecommunications technologies. TACS Consulting offers Strategic Planning, Information, Communications and Energy Technology Standards and Architecture Assessment, Systems Engineering, Planning, and Resource Optimization.



TACS is a leading top consultancy in the field of information, communication and energy technologies (ICET).


The heart of our consulting spectrum comprises strategic, organizational, and technology-intensive tasks that arise from the use of new information, communication and energy technologies. 
The major emphasis in our work is found in innovative consulting and implementation solutions which result from the use of modern information, communication and energy technologies.



  • Delivers the insight and vision on technology for strategic decisions
  • Drives innovations forward as part of our service offerings to customers worldwide 
  • Conceives integral solutions on the basis of our integrated business and technological competence in the ICET sector 
  • Assesses technologies and standards and develops architectures for fixed or mobile, wired or wireless communications systems and networks
  • Provides the energy and experience of world-wide leading innovators and experts in their fields for local, national or large-scale international projects.





Technical Business Case

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